
Kappa Gamma Sigma Sorority, Incorporated does not discriminate in its membership selection practices on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, creed, marital status or disability. Nor will Kappa Gamma Sigma Sorority, Incorporated tolerate such discrimination by its chapters or its members. Federal law recognizes the right of college social fraternities and sororities to maintain single sex membership policies. Consistent with that right, Kappa Gamma Sigma Sorority, Incorporated is a women’s organization and membership is open to women.
Prospective members must have high standards that don't waiver or conform to the world;
Membership can only be obtained by completing the Sorority's official Membership process.
To become a part of this Powerful and Distinguished Organization is stating that you are ready to become a part
of excellence and that you are ready to grow and be stretched into greatness. Kappa Gamma Sigma Sorority is a God Designed organization that will empower you to activate your God given gifts as we serve the land.
Membership in Kappa Gamma Sigma Sorority will not be extended to and can be rightfully terminated if :
An individual who knowingly participates in activities outside of the official Membership Process;
An individual who is not a Christian believing Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior;
An individual who has been found guilty of manipulation or untruthful in the Process or here after.
An individual who knowingly submits falsified documents or credentials.
We expressly prohibit discrimination by any component part of the Sorority or by any person acting on behalf of the organization on the basis of race, national origin, age, handicap, appearance or social status. We accept members that are members of other organizations including national sororities.We believe in being inclusive, as Christ was inclusive.
Hazing will not occur in any chapter or colony within the KAPPA GAMMA SIGMA SORORITY INC.. Hazing is dangerous and illegal and does not by any means represent Christ, hazing is definitely against the bylaws of KAPPA GAMMA SIGMA INC.. Every soror of KAPPA GAMMA SIGMA INC. must earn the respect of her fellow sisters through the Power of Love and not through hazing. Hazing does not build respect, it builds fear. Hazing is defined as any unreasonable requirement of activity of new members and/or members which endangers the physical well-being of the individual, produces physical or mental discomfort, causes embarrassment, humiliation or ridicule or in any way degrades the individual.